Our Vision
Centered in Spirit, we co-create a world of love, harmony, peace, and abundance.
Our Mission
Unity of Oak Park is a vibrant spiritual community creating a loving world through prayer, meditation, education, and service.

UNITY was founded in the early 1890s by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, not to be a separate church or religious denomination, but as a spiritual movement within religions, dedicated to helping people of all faiths apply positive spiritual principles to better their lives.
The teachings in Unity bring together ancient wisdom with new interpretations of what it means to be alive and human. Unity inspires different ways to think about the force of love and intelligence that many people call God.

5 Basic Unity Principles
1. God Is:
There is only one Presence & one Power active in the Universe and in our life, God the Good, everywhere present. God is not a superhuman but the essence of creative life.
2. I Am:
Created in God’s image, the spirit of God is in each person. The Power of God is expressed as Divine Life, Love, and Wisdom, the nature of which is good. When we engage in behaviors that do not appear as “good”, we understand this is not God’s doing or God’s will, but that we have forgotten our true identity.
3. I Think & Feel It:
We create our life experiences through our ways of thinking, feeling, and believing. The human mind is pivotal in its capacity, we can draw from either our human experience or divine identity. “In human terms, ‘seeing is believing, in spirituality ‘believing is seeing”.
4. I Affirm It:
Through affirmative prayer and meditation, we align ourselves with the ideas of God. Spending time in the “Silence” allows us to be more in tune with our divine power.
5. I Live It:
Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We live in the world through our thoughts, words and actions.

Join us in person for 10am Sunday service in our beautiful and historically registered home.
Architect George W. Maher designed and built this building in 1912 as a home for Mr. and Mrs. James Hall Taylor and their family. The style of the house is "Early Modern Rectilinear." It is broad, monumental, and dignified.
405 N. Euclid Avenue
Oak Park IL 60302
Affiliated with Unity Institute and Seminary
Unity Village, MO | Member of The Association of Unity Churches