Welcome Unity Colleagues:
We invite you to be one of our partners as we share with you the consciousness and four cornerstones that help small and big ministries grow with diversity in mind and inclusivity in our hearts.
We want to thank Unity Worldwide Ministries for their faith, support, and love in supporting our mission of building community with the LEAP grant, "Families are Made and Not only Born Program"
Why is our “Families are Made and Not only Born” Program important?

There are many church communities that are receding or closing, including Unity churches. The problem with some spiritual communities is we haven’t defined our consciousness, the different kinds of families we serve and the experiences to make our relationships grow.
What Unity of Oak Park is offering is a blue print so that every ministry can reveal a consciousness that grows, a plan that provides guidance for intentional actions, and support from your community members and partners.
How can Unity of Oak Park help?
Become a Partner and be part of the Families are Made and Not Only Born Program. As partners you will be able to tailor your blueprint utilizing Unity of Oak Park’s resources from our Families are Made and Not Only Born Program. Please contact us for rates and times at unity@unityoakpark.org.
Here is an outline of resources that have been developed and will be coming soon.
Part A. Create the consciousness. (Source)
If the soil is not fertile our intentions will not grow.
Growth Formula Workshop, Getting to know our current community needs and desires. The intention of this workshop is to create the motivation for growth.
Community Survey
“WE” mindset, Define Roles of Ministry & Follow Through
Part B. Blueprint for Building Partnerships
(affirmative prayer)
Visionary Conversations with primary ministry Groups-the analysis used is the information gathered from the Growth Formula Workshop and Community Survey.
Utilizing the data gathered and Growth Formula Experience, minister/community leaders will define who we are not reaching and what are possible ideas to reach our target audience. Who are your partners & what are you doing to engage them?
Marketing Format Learning Workshop with Rev Ev, using 4 key points.
How to reach your audience, engage your community and build community?
Part C. Guidelines for your Blueprint and Follow Through
(Live it)
Partners will be ready to launch and live out their their Community Building blueprint with the following actionable components:
60-minute Workshop: Blueprint to Build Community
Checklist for Launching your Community Experiences, Education, and Engagement Plan
Annual Monthly Community Experiences — In-Person
- Special Event Idea list with Planning and Execution Checklist
- Community Outreach planning sheet
Annual Monthly Education — Online, In-Person & Hybrid
- Education and Enrichment Calendar of Offerings by Month
Annual Monthly Engagement — In-Person, Local & Online
Annual Content and Event Calendar Template (Google sheet)
Social Media Calendar Strategy (Google doc)
Data Metrics Tracking Sheet (Google sheet)
Additional Offerings and Curriculum Resources Partners may Add on to their BluePrint
6-Week Spiritual Support Circle for Parents and Caregivers with Facilitator guide, Participant workbook, and curriculum.
4-Week Book Study Group Curriculums.
Small Group Circle materials and facilitator guides.
Classes and Courses Curriculms.
In advance, we thank you for your interest, on behalf of our Unity of Oak Park Team.
Together we Thrive,
Rev. Ev. G. Godina

Please let us know you’d like to recieve future information abour our
“Families are Made and Not only Born” Unity Partners Program