Thank you to all the VOLUNTEERS who helped to create BEAUTIFUL experiences for the community at Unity of Oak Park!
Our Dia de los Muertos celebration in partnership with @diadelosmuertosoprf @oakparktownship @oakparklibrary and Quetzali Child Care kicked off on Saturday featuring Omeyocan Dance Company! Then on Sunday our parking to filled with families for trick or treating, crafts, face painting, and more for our Trunk or Treat along with community partners @sarahs_inn @hephzibahhome @has.chicago
Dia de los Muertos celebration
Sacred Dance, Artisans, Mercadito, Cempasuchitl & Pan de Muerto, Music, and Offrendas were all a part of Dia de los Muertos celebration that kicked off here on Saturday with our community partners.
We invite you to visit our Offrenda and consider sharing a photo of a loved one you would like to honor at our sacred space.
Check out the gallery below for highlights!
Trunk or Treat
Families filled our parking lot for our 5th Annual Trunk or Treat event where children trick or treat from decorated trunk to decorated trunk for some safe and a little spooky Halloween fun.
Crafts, face painting, treats, and Halloween music filled the air for this fun-filled afternoon. SPECIAL THANKS to community partners many other community members and congregants who made this event special with their decorated trunks and candy donations.
Check out the gallery below for highlights!
Check out more Upcoming Events here.