Lent is a time of renewal and reflection, a season of preparing our hearts for the light of Easter. As we count the 40 days, we clear away the old to make room for new growth, just like spring.
Awareness is the First step toward Change
When we become aware of old beliefs and negative thoughts, we can pause, breathe, and choose to release them. By denying false beliefs and affirming truth, we clear the way for positive transformation, moment by moment. This practice changes our lives.
Practice with Denials and Affirmations

Stay in Flow with the Good that is Here Right Now
As limiting beliefs arise, practice denials and affirmations. By releasing and renewing, shift your focus to the presence of God and the abundant Good around you. This flow of higher energy will manifest abundantly in your experiences and transform your relationships.
We invite you on a journey this Lent Season
The 30-Day Good Vibrations Meditation Journey includes guided meditations devoted to affirming a more truthful way of being so that we can become the vibration needed to become more present with the divine qualities that make us shine.
Good Vibrations this Lent Season
This meditation journey is not a destination but a practice that will help us to be less reactive and more present with what we really are—good vibrations! The journey begins on Saturday, March 22, and ends on Easter Sunday.
