Tich Nat Han buddhist monk and author says...
“Imagine looking at the center of a flower, we can see that is full of life, it contains the soil, the rain, and sunshine. It also full of clouds, oceans and minerals. It is even full of space and time. In fact the whole cosmos is in this flower. Without any of the elements the flower will not exist, the flower can not exist alone. If we remove any of these elements we will find there is no “us” left.”
We can not exist alone. When we become stewards of life, we experience oneness, where there is no separation because there are elements of ourselves in all life forms. The reason why being a steward of life is important is because we can live in the spirit of the most high, revive our relationships with life, and our planet. How? — With our renewable resources!

What are our renewable resources?
Beyond solar energy, wind and water is our power of life. Our power of life is the renewable resource of our thoughts that manifest life. According to Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, shares the power of life is the ability to animate and vitalize our intentions into motion.” Are we animating or squashing our dreams, are we squashing our relationships our environment with the choices we make?
The power of life is a prosperity mindset it’s knowing the vision we generate with our mind determines our quality of life, so if we want more quality in our life, we must demonstrate the power of life.
Taking care of our environment begins by taking care of our consciousness. Are you ready to be a steward of life?
Yours truly steward of life — Rev. Ev Godina
How to be a steward of life?
Sunday Service Support

Unity of Oak Park
Green Team
Please join us for Unity of Oak Park’s first ever Green Team meeting - as a congregation, we are answering the call to be more mindful, conscientious inhabitants of our planet, and together we will brainstorm ways and ideas to make our church and our community more eco-friendly and cruelty-free.
How to be a steward of life?
How we continue to make a difference.

Supported Foster Families with joy during the holidays with Christmas gift drive

Families helping Families: Service Project supporting Housing Forward

Infant Welfare of Oak Park: June 2022 to host and support Unity Youth Program & Infant Welfare Oak Park with Summer Concert.